Johannes Saubert: Dyodekas emblematum sacrorumJohann Saubert the Elder (1592-1646), theologian, pastor, librarian and leading figure in Nuremberg’s spiritual life, ascribed great importance to pictures and often used emblems in his preaching. “He believed that they were an aid to deeper devotion and provided a living image of what was said in words,” explains Dietrich Donat in his afterword. Here Donat describes not only the arrangement of the texts but also examines the achievements of the artist Michael Herr and the famous engraver Peter Isselburg. Herr in particular was almost an equal partner with Saubert and his achievements in the field of emblems were extraordinary. | |
Monograph | |
Dyodekas emblematum sacrorum | |
Saubert, Johannes | |
PPN519570022 | |
93 | |
Religion/Die christlichen Kirchen der Neuzeit Kunstgeschichte Humanismus & Renaissance | | | |