Joachim Heinrich Campe: Woerterbuch der deutschen SpracheCampe's life·work is the most comprehensive dictionary published before Grimm 's. It contains almost one and a half times as much entries as the Woerterbuch of Johann Christoph Adelung. Campe's dictionary represents the most important collection of the German vocabulary of the classical and romantic period. It therefore is until today an indispensable dictionary. | |
Multivolume Work | |
Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache | |
Campe, Joachim Heinrich | |
1969 | |
Olms | |
Hildesheim [u.a.] | |
PPN52126359X | |
Germanistik/Neuzeit Jus/Jura & Politikwissenschaft & Wirtschaft & Soziologie Sprachwissenschaft | | | |