Eyering, Eucharius: Proverbium CopiaThe three-volume collection Proverbium Copia assembled by the pastor Eucharius Eyering (1520-1597) contains versions of nearly two thousand German proverbs. The individual proverbs, written in knittelvers form, are followed by related German and Latin texts, interpretations and other sayings and rounded off with fables, comic tales, anecdotes and stories which use humour and satire to illustrate the wisdom of the relevant proverb and which are of great interest in the parallel study of folk narrative. Eyering’s interpretations are of considerable importance in the reception history of traditional material such as Hugo von Trimberg’s Renner, Sebastian Brant’s Narrenschiff and Johannes Pauli’s Schimpf und Ernst, which were among Eyering’s sources. However, this greatest collection of German proverbs of the late 16th century also proves to be a thoroughly independent work. | |
Multivolume Work | |
Proverbiorum copia | |
Eyering, Eucharius | |
1999 | |
Olms | |
Hildesheim [u.a.] | |
PPN521224977 | |
Volkskunde | |
http://www.olmsonline.de/purl?PPN521224977 | |